Sponsoring Women Bull Riders in Texas

The Gen KIND™ team traveled to Sweetwater, Texas to sponsor a team of incredible young women and Netflix influencer and a world champion bull rider. Check it out!

Gen KIND Texas Women Bull Riders

The Project

Jorden Halvorsen, an actress from the Netflix series How to Be a Cowboy and a world champion bull rider, was a leader of the Women's Bull Riding Organization (WBRO), which has now become the Elite Lady Bull Riders. In January 2023, her team of young girl and women bull riders was able to compete with the Senior World Classic Bull Riders in Sweetwater, Texas. She needed a sponsor for her team, and Gen KIND™ stepped up, pulling together the support needed. The team then wore celebratory championship jackets with Gen KIND™ on them to honor our support.

Jorden is now an advisor and dear friend of Gen KIND™ and has pledged to use her influence for good, encouraging others like her to do the same. Because of her bull riding success, she has become a social media influencer, with approximately 400,000 followers, and an inspiring female athlete and leader in her industry. Jorden currently resides in Texas and works with Dale Brisby, another bull rider and influencer, who was the star of the Netflix series and has over 3 million followers.